Lynne Wallack


Board Term: 2021-2024

Lynne Wallack and her husband have lived in the Lakeview neighborhood for almost 30 years, raising
three children and multiple pets in the area. She and her husband also owned and operated Deleece
and Grassroots restaurants on Southport for 25 years which gives her the unique perspective of business
survival on Southport.

With the experience of a long time resident and small business owner, she has served two different
times on the SNA board because she cares deeply about the neighborhood and has a long term view.
On her current stint on the board, she is acting secretary, and chairman of the Beautification committee.
In this position she is keenly focused on beautifying our neighborhood and as such she developed an
initiative to turn all the corner plots within SNA’s boundaries into beautiful native gardens that will
sustain themselves for years to come.


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